B 13-4229435 , Scratch Cock , Father Son Bak 17 , Grandson Marseille . 100 % Marcel Aelbrecht .
FATHER : B 02-4333378 , Father Bak 17
Sons of BAK 17 flew by Marcel Aelbrecht : 15th of Limoges 17456 pigeons , 20th Bourges 11933 birds , Aurillac 24th of 6611 pigeons , 48th Bourges 48 553 birds , 81 La Souterraine of 16297 pigeons , 93rd La Souterraine of 16297 pigeons , 101st Montelimar of 7873 pigeons , Souillac 138th of 6475 pigeons .
GV : 00-4065848 , Brother Narrows 848 / 00 . Son Superkweker 548 /01 Marcel Aelbrecht . Grandson Golden Pair Albert X Paola , De Rauw Sablon
Father of Blue Ace ; 2nd Nat . Ace Pigeon Fond KBDB 2007 1st Prov . Ace Pigeon Fond KBDB 2007 1st Ace Pigeon Brabant Union 2007 1st Ace Pigeon Brabant Union 2004 5th Nat . Z Cahors 2863 p 12th Nat . 2033 S Orange p 30th Nat . Orange 6751 p 34th Nat . Z Cahors 1946 p 50th Nat . Béziers 6191 p . 55th Internat . Béziers 6702 p . 67th Nat . Cahors 9275 p 68th Nat . Z Brive 4670 p 72 Nat . Z Souillac 2304 p 114th Nat . Orange 6035 p
GM : Daughter of The Dreamer
The Dreamer, wonder cock at De Rauw -Sablon ( now G. Koopman ) 15th Inter Prov . Argenton 7452 pigeons , 73 Interprov . Chateauroux 6,832 birds , 84th Nat . Bourges II 12161 pigeons . The Dreamer 's son Freddy .
FREDDY , super breeder by Pros Roosen . He is father ; The Dreamer, Kastaar , Blue Prince , Mr . expensive , Ideal Freddy .
Grandfather of , inter alia, 1st Nat Ace federation. Blue Prince flew among others 2nd prov . Vierzon 6,928 pigeons , 4th Nat . Bourges against 12,754 pigeons , 11th Nat . Bourges against 10.759 pigeons.
Blue Prince was sold for 156 000 euros to the total sales of Pros Rossen
Lucky 848 ; Son Superkweker 01-548 . Grandson Golden pair ; Albert X Paola . De Rauw Sablon . Father of Blue Ace 03-095 , 2nd National Ace KDBD LD 2003 and 10th time Top 100 in National Long Distance Races , Erik Limbourg
Father of the world famous breeder cock BAK 17 . Grandfather of Nicole , 1st National Argenton 25351 youngsters in 2008 . Grandfather Bolleke Wadding ; 4th Provincial Ace KBDB 2008.
MOTHER , B 05-4400567 , Daughter Marseille
GV : The Marseille
The Marseille , Fine Blue.
Marseille Flew include; 33rd National Marseille 60th National Marseille
Children DE MARSEILLE flew include: Cahors 16th of 9275 pigeons , Brive 30 of 20310 pigeons , Brive 31 of 20310 pigeons , 34th Argenton 17010 pigeons .
GOOD BLUE Flew include; 1st Angerville of 336 pigeons , 1st Angerville of 158 pigeons , 59th Angerville of 412 pigeons (no duplications )
GOOD BLUE BIN 17 's grandson , Maurice
GM : 98-4185270 , The Fine Blue, Daughter Father of the Narrows
THE narrow 970 is father of :
THE PATRON : 1st Nat . Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB 2003 , flew among others 1st Chateauroux 1201 pigeons , 1st Chateauroux 1019 pigeons , 4th Tours of 2055 pigeons , Brive 7th of 6727 pigeons .
The " BLUE ACE ' BE03 - 4290095 2 ° Nat Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB '07 By Erik Limbourg , Brussegem !
BLUE AS : 7th Nat . Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB 2006
077-03 : Flew include: Orange 51th of 6751 pigeons , 91st of Montelimar 10195 pigeons .